

After a new baby is born you start to notice dark circles , acne , skin discoloration , stretch marks  – the rosy glow of pre pregnancy from the raging hormones is quickly being replaced by acne . If you are lucky to have avoided post partum acne , stress , and sleep deprivation , along with zero time for skin care definitely takes its toll . Every time you look at the mirror you ask “ is that really me ? ’’ Young mothers face skin discoloration post childbirth . The forehead , nose , cheeks and upper lip appear to be dark and splotchy . This “ mask of pregnancy ” called chloasma or melasma goes away when the body stops producing the excess melanin that it produced when you were pregnant . As you wean your baby , these irate spots begin to fade away . To alleviate the problem of melasma and prevent skin damage , use a sunscreen of SPF 30 upwards , no matter if it’s cloudy or sunny . Between feeds and diaper changes there are a hundred other things you need to attend to...


Cellulite is formed from fluid retention and the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body . If you’ve ever tried on clothes in a dressing room , you may have noticed some not-so-pretty “lady lumps .”  Even thin women and men can have cellulite . So rather than simply avoiding cellulite-accentuating mirrors , here are some tips on kicking it to the curb . Exercise, stretching and weight-lifting (all of which help get rid of fluid , waste and toxins) are essential for silencing cellulite . When it comes to diet , avoid processed foods and animal products that leave toxic wastes swimming laps in your circulatory system . Doing routine , mostly raw vegan detoxes will help keep your skin silky smooth and light on the lumps . Choose to do a 7-day detox each month , a 3-day detox every other week , or a 1-day detox every week to rid your body of the crummies . Here are some detox guidelines : - Start the day with a large glass of filtered water with lemon or cucumber...


Dear Friend, Are you breaking out more often ? Has your face lost its radiance lately ? Have you even noticed the uneven skin tone? How long are you going to sweep that dust under the carpet ? Did you ever think that you might be mistreating me! It is time for you to clean up your act . After all , I am the biggest organ of your body – your skin ! Stop sabotaging me by committing these skincare sins ! You take me for granted when you take your basic skincare regime lightly ! How would you feel if your best friend ignored you ? Sad ? Angry ? Taken for granted ? So how do you think I feel when you carelessly skip your skincare routine ? There might be days when you skip a step . Maybe you’re too tired , too busy , or even simply not in the mood ! However, short cutting on cleansing , toning and moisturizing often , is going to affect me – your skin – badly . Forgetting to exfoliate is an absolute no-no too ! Not cleaning up before you hit the sack isn’t going to hel...


Beautiful , healthy , and youthful-looking skin is something most of us strive to possess . After all , our skin is the canvas behind the look we show off to the world day in and day out . However our skin can be a bit tricky to care of and many of us struggle to achieve balance , particularly with changing seasons or during travel . Have you ever noticed that your skin looks and behaves differently when you travel to a new location ? This is because skin serves as a protective barrier from the environment and , in serving this role , it is exposed to environmental elements that affect it . Here are 5 ways your environment can change the look and feel of your skin . HOT TEMPERATURES When temperatures are high our bodies sweat to cool down . Perspiration may cause a variety of skin issues such as irritation , rash , and acne . A gentle cleanser to wash away perspiration is often a great idea . Moreover , heat can cause drying of the skin , leading to skin that is rough or flak...


Who doesn’t love a clean , clear and glowing skin ? Every eye glues to a face that is radiant, supple and blemish free . In fact skin speaks much more than just about your beauty . It is an important indicator of your health - it mirrors the toxin levels in your body . Healthy skin results from a healthy lifestyle . An isolated diet or a skin care regime alone doesn’t suffice the purpose . Ever heard about skin detoxification ? Flushing out toxic materials from the body is referred to as detoxification . Similarly , the process of skin detoxification is a method to cleanse the skin & get it rid of toxins . Our skin gets toxic due to environmental pollution , exposure to sun , improper diet intake , smoking , alcohol intake and sedentary lifestyle . As the toxins get flushed out during the detoxification process , there may be an appearance of  breakouts (acne, boils, etc.) , skin rashes etc . on the skin surface . There are a number of ways to skin detoxify , ranging ...


Ok , so we all have blackheads and it seems like they never go away . The good news is , there are solutions and ways to prevent , control and get rid of them . Let’s start from the beginning though and I will tell you what causes a blackhead . Causes of Blackheads - Basically when a pore gets clogged with too much oil (which enlarges the pore) and then it mixes with built-up dead skin cells that cannot shed normally . The combination of the two then get exposed to air, which causes it to oxidize and turn black . How to Get Rid of Blackheads - You need to remove and absorb excess oil and also remove dead skin that isn’t shedding on its own . Not all products will do this, even though they claim to . Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid help along with gentle manual exfoliation . Scrubbing harshly and vigorously will not get them out . You will only irritate the skin . This is one of the reasons that pore strips do not work . These blackheads are not just sitting on the surf...


Skin pigmentation problems occur because the body produces either too much or too little melanin. Melanin is the pigment in skin produced by specific cells {melanocytes}.It is triggered by an enzyme called tyrosinase which creates the colour of our skin, eyes and hair. This faulty melanin production is primarily caused by chronic unprotected sun exposure or hormones {particularly during pregnancy or from taking birth control pills}. As far as the skin is concerned , depending on how much is present , melanin does provide some amount of sun protection by absorbing the suns ultraviolet rays. This explains why darker skin colours are less susceptible to sunburn and the overall effects of sun damage . But less susceptible doesn't mean immune from problem.  1.  Exfoliation - This is always the first step to getting lighter skin or removing permatan . This helps remove the outermost layer of skin that is darkened and / or damaged by contact with the sun . Avoid over exf...