Facial Peels are a safe and easy way to rejuvenate a tired-looking complexion . Everyone loves a beauty treatment that gives instant results , hence our fascination with skin peels .
Peels vary , from the milder home DIY kits to stronger professional procedures . Whether you are after a mild exfoliation or something more serious , there's a peel for you .
 WHAT'S A PEEL ? A peel is simply another method of exfoliating , but instead of using a ‘mechanical' exfoliant such as a granular scrub , ‘chemical' exfoliants in the form of acids or enzymes are used to dissolve the glue that adheres dead cells to the skin's surface .
"Skin cells normally have a cycle of around 21 days" .  "A peel makes the skin turn over much faster , and also promotes collagen formation , giving a fresher complexion .
" MILD PEELS '' Most professional beauty salons offer mild AHA peels using glycolic , lactic or salicylic acids , often incorporated as part of a facial . These work to instantly freshen the complexion and prepare skin for maximum absorption of active ingredients by removing surface dead skin cells .
''MEDIUM PEELS''   Available at cosmetic clinics and specialised beauty salons, a medium peel can give excellent near-instant results . Some redness and flaking are usual but recovery time is minimal .
'' DEEP PEELS''  Used only by doctors , deep peels speed up the process of exfoliation dramatically by dissolving several layers of skin . After the treatment , skin is red, tender and flaky . It may take several days before the skin fully recovers .
 "AGGRESSIVE PEELS '' are used very little these days as most people don't want to put up with the pain and down-time that goes with them .
"It is much more common now to do a course of medium-strength peels to gain a gradual, but effective result.
" DIY PEELS ''  Home peels are a fantastic and convenient option for instant rejuvenation . But always read the instructions and don't be tempted to use more product or leave it on longer than advised .
 DID YOU KNOW ? Removing the top layers of the skin reduces your skin's natural sun protection , so you must use a SPF30+ sunscreen every day when using any type of peel, and stay out of the sun as much as possible . For this reason, the winter months are an ideal time to peel .
 DID YOU KNOW ? The action of removing the top layer of skin does more than just add radiance . Fine lines , large pores and scars may be reduced and uneven pigmentation sloughed away for a more even skin tone .
The extent of the results depends on the depth of the peel and your skin condition. Acid Test Acids used for facial skin peels may be artificial , such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA) used in deeper peels , or derived from a natural source such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) most of which come from fruits, sugar cane or milk.

Enzymes are usually naturally derived from fruits such as papaya or pineapple . Glycolic acid , occurring naturally in sugar cane , is one of the most commonly used AHAs . Lactic acid derived from milk is becoming increasingly popular , being a gentler option than glycolic acid , but with similar properties . 

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) . It exfoliates deep down into the pores and therefore is particularly beneficial for oily/acne skin types . Citric acid from citrus fruits is an AHA which also has astringent and antioxidant properties.


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